How to: Self-Breast Exams
Free the nip and feel the girls! By girls, we mean your breasts! Every month, once a month, give your breasts some much-needed attention by doing self-breast exams. One of the best ways to beat breast cancer and catch it in the early stages is by doing self-exams regularly. Monthly exams help you get more familiar with your breast so it's easier to spot changes if any occur.
Source: Giphy
When to do breast exams?
- Self-breast exams should be done EVERY MONTH, 5 days after your period starts. So on the last day of your period, hop in the shower and get a good feel your breasts and underarms. Then stand in front of the mirror and check yourself out! (You're damn right you look good!)
- Self-breast exams are done after your period because before your period starts there are a lot of hormonal changes that can affect the size and tenderness of breasts.
How to do a breast exam?
To make it a habit, do these steps in which-ever order works best for your monthly routine.
- Lay flat on your back and go in a circular motion (size of a quarter) across your breast with your finger pads, keeping your finger straight. Use a little pressure!
- The right-hand checks the left breast and armpit and the left-hand checks the right breast and armpit.
- The circular motion to cover the entire breast, including the nipples and armpits.
Source: Giphy
- In front of a mirror check for any visual changes
- Check to see if your breast are the usual size and shape
- Look for any unusual swelling or size differences.
- Look for unusual dimpling (dimples) in the breast; rashes, redness, bulging skin, and redness.
- Check to see if your nipples are the usual size and shape.
- Look for nipples that have changed positions or be moved inward.
- Raise both of your arms above your head and look for unusual size, drainage, dimpling, rashes, redness, skin bulging, etc.
- Check to see if your breast are the usual size and shape
Source: Giphy
- Check your breast in the shower
- Repeat the same steps you did while you were laying down.
Breasts can sometimes feel different from one area to the next. For example, the top portion of your breast may feel lumpy or bumpy and the lower portion of your breast may feel sandy or pebbly. Knowing your breast "normal" is key. Breasts are different from person to person and no matter how big or small, we should aim to check them every month.
If you find a lump, don't panic. It will be okay. Consult our doctor. Even if you are not sure if there is a lump or abnormal area in the breast, consult your doctor anyway. He or she can do further exams and teach you how to perform a self-breast exam if you are having issues. Don't be afraid to ask!
And remember, try not to skip a month! Make it a part of your monthly routine.
Source; Giphy
Need some visuals? Here are some videos we found that are funny and informative!